7 Best Public Speaking Apps to Improve Your Skills in 2023

Public speaking is a skill that is highly valued in almost every field, from business to politics to education. Whether you’re delivering a presentation to a large audience, speaking at a conference, or simply communicating with your team, the ability to articulate your ideas clearly and confidently can help you to achieve your goals and build your career.

Fortunately, there are now many apps available that can help you to improve your public speaking skills. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven of the best public speaking apps on the market today, and explain how they can help you to become a more confident and effective communicator.

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How Public Speaking Apps Can Benefit Your Career

Public speaking skills are essential for success in many different industries, including business, politics, media, and education. Being able to communicate effectively with an audience can help you to convey your ideas and messages more clearly, persuade others to your point of view, and build stronger relationships with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders.

Image: Susan Cain

Using public speaking apps can be a great way to enhance your career prospects by developing your communication skills. Here are some ways in which public speaking apps can benefit your career:

  • Boost your confidence: Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re not used to speaking in front of an audience. Using public speaking apps can help you to build your confidence and manage your nerves, so you can deliver presentations and speeches with more poise and authority.
  • Improve your communication skills: Public speaking apps can help you to develop your speaking style, improve your enunciation and diction, and refine your body language and posture. By practicing with these apps, you can become a more effective communicator and convey your messages more clearly and persuasively.
  • Stand out from the crowd: In many industries, being a skilled public speaker can give you a competitive advantage over your peers. By using public speaking apps to improve your skills, you can differentiate yourself from others and position yourself as a leader in your field.
  • Expand your network: Public speaking often involves presenting to large groups of people, which can be a great way to expand your professional network. By using public speaking apps to develop your skills, you can build relationships with new contacts and open up new career opportunities.

7 apps for safer public speaking

  1. Toastmasters International

Toastmasters International is an organization that provides public speaking and leadership development training. The Toastmasters app is a great way to improve your public speaking skills with its interactive lessons, feedback, and speech practice features. The app offers a range of different speech exercises, which are designed to help you to develop your communication skills and overcome any fears or anxieties you may have about public speaking.

The app is also very user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple interface that makes it easy to navigate through the various features and exercises. You can set your own goals and track your progress over time, and the app also allows you to connect with other users for support and feedback.

  1. VR Training Public Speaking

Public Speaking VR offers a unique approach to public speaking training by allowing you to practice your speeches in virtual reality. It provides a realistic audience experience, complete with applause and other feedback, which can help you to develop your confidence and improve your delivery.

The app also offers a range of different scenarios and environments, from small boardrooms to large conference halls, so you can practice your speeches in a variety of different settings. The virtual reality technology used in the app is also very impressive, providing a highly immersive and engaging experience.

  1. TED

TED is a global community that is dedicated to spreading ideas and promoting learning through short, powerful talks. The TED app offers access to thousands of talks by some of the world’s leading thinkers and innovators, covering a wide range of topics from science and technology to culture and art.

Watching TED talks can be a great way to improve your public speaking skills, as you can learn from some of the best speakers in the world and gain insights into how they structure their speeches and engage their audiences. You can also use the app to create your own playlists of talks on topics that interest you, and share them with others for discussion and feedback.

  1. VocalWarmUp

VocalWarmUp is an app that is designed to help you prepare for public speaking by warming up your voice and improving your vocal range and flexibility. The app offers a range of different exercises and drills, which are designed to help you to relax your muscles and develop your breathing and projection.

The exercises are also customizable, so you can tailor your warm-up routine to your own needs and preferences. The app is a great way to ensure that you are fully prepared and confident before you take the stage, and can help you to avoid common problems such as hoarseness or vocal strain.

  1. Ummo

Ummo is a speech coaching app that is designed to help you improve your speaking skills by analyzing your speech patterns and providing feedback on areas where you could improve. The app uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze your speech in real-time, and provides instant feedback on things like filler words, pace, and tone.

The app also offers personalized coaching and training, based on your own speaking style and goals. You can set your own targets and track your progress over time, and the app also provides insights into your speaking habits and patterns.

  1. SpeakEasy

SpeakEasy is a public speaking app that is designed to help you overcome anxiety and nervousness when speaking in public. The app uses a range of techniques, such as mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy, to help you manage your nerves and build your confidence.

The app provides a range of different exercises and activities, which are designed to help you prepare for public speaking, manage your nerves, and develop your confidence. These include breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and guided meditations.

The app also offers a range of different tools and features, such as a speech timer and an audience feedback generator, which can help you to practice your speeches and get feedback from others.

  1. ProMethean AI

ProMethean AI is an artificial intelligence-powered speech coaching app that provides personalized feedback and analysis of your speaking skills. The app uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze your speech in real-time, and provides instant feedback on things like pitch, tone, and pace.

The app also offers personalized coaching and training, based on your own speaking style and goals. You can set your own targets and track your progress over time, and the app also provides insights into your speaking habits and patterns.

Overall, these seven public speaking apps can be a great way to improve your communication skills, overcome your nerves and anxieties, and develop your confidence as a speaker. Whether you’re a seasoned public speaker or a beginner, there’s an app out there that can help you to achieve your goals and become a more effective communicator. So why not give one of these apps a try and see how it can help you to take your public speaking skills to the next level?